Sermon Q&A: Did the Jews Know That the Blood of Bulls and Goat Didn't Actually Pay for Their Sin?

August 23, 2021 00:07:25
Sermon Q&A: Did the Jews Know That the Blood of Bulls and Goat Didn't Actually Pay for Their Sin?
Village Church of Bartlett: Sermons
Sermon Q&A: Did the Jews Know That the Blood of Bulls and Goat Didn't Actually Pay for Their Sin?

Aug 23 2021 | 00:07:25


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Speaker 0 00:00:07 Welcome to village church, sermon Q and a pastor Michael, here with you. And I'm in the studio with pastor Greg Speaker 1 00:00:11 Jarvis and August. Was it 22nd, Craig, 22nd, 2021. We preached the fourth sermon on the tabernacle from the book of Exodus and Craig, we've got a question for you on this one. Uh, no pressure, but uh, we expect you to know what the Jews didn't know. You ready? All right. Did the Jews know for certain that the blood of bulls and goats didn't actually pay for their sin, I'm going to read a scripture and then you can take the floor here. All right. Hebrews 10 verse four through five for eight is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Consequently, as a result, when Christ came into the world, he said, sacrifices and offerings, you have not desired, but a body you prepared me. So did they even know that this wasn't actually accomplishing full forgiveness of sins? I don't know. What do you think? I don't know. Speaker 2 00:01:01 I actually I've racked my brain over this. I'm like, what, what did they? So actually Speaker 3 00:01:05 Now some things that we know that they knew they were obeying God, this is what God had planned for them. Moses had explained it. I mean, they're a detail after detail for how all of these sacrifices went and there were different sacrifices for different things. Harmonious cleansing. There was sacrifice for sin offerings. So, and there were different things that could be sacrificed bulls, doves, goats. I mean, all these different things could be even, even a peace offerings were with grain. You could do a grain offering. So there is a variety of offerings given to us and the old test and they take up an enormous amount of space daily. They're important, whatever they are, they aren't so important Speaker 1 00:01:41 That it's literally chapter after chapter. The entire book is about really the process of this stuff. Speaker 3 00:01:46 And, and it's interesting when you dig into each one, each one had a specific purpose and was to be done a specific way. And the priest knew all about this. So these, these priests who were overqualified, butchers actually, uh, knew exactly what pieces were to be taken out, what pieces went home with people, you know, in their doggy bags so they could eat it later. I mean, it's really an amazing, it's an amazing feat that they did all this now, did they know that this, uh, didn't take away their sins once and for all really hard to get into their minds to answer that? I think all they knew is that they were obedient. They were doing what God had asked them to do. And, and there was a reason for it. And they were doing it for the right reasons. Speaker 1 00:02:25 Yes, pastor Alex and I disagreed on this with each other, not like not like heated and emotional, like we were like, no, I think they didn't. I think they didn't. And in my, my brain went back to, uh, Genesis where Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. And I got to imagine that in their brain, this imagery has to be there. That there's the, even with this sacrificial system, it never gave them full access and it never even lasted forever. It only seemed to last for maybe a day or a week. And it just had to keep happening over and over again. But even, even with Speaker 2 00:03:00 Someone who is pretty much ceremonially Speaker 1 00:03:03 Clean and purified and atoned, uh, they still couldn't go into the holy of Holies. And yet Adam, in fact, they couldn't Speaker 3 00:03:10 Go into certain courtyards based on whoever they were. Speaker 1 00:03:13 And Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. I don't know if they ever put it together that there's something deficient about these things that doesn't actually get us a what Moses had, which is weird to think like that actually that's a whole different theological question that I have, which is, he Speaker 3 00:03:32 Talked to God like a friend, right. Face-to-face Speaker 1 00:03:35 I mean, that's very strange to me, almost like a reiteration of the garden of Eden walking with God in the cool of the day. So there's that, but they also had no developed what we call eschatology. That's a theology of the old times. Right. And there's, I mean, as you read the old Testament, their understanding of how the world's going to end in unfold grows over millennia, culminating with the book of revelation, obviously, but they had no categories Speaker 3 00:03:59 And then no education they're slaves that are brought out of Egypt they're are obviously uneducated. So it's just, I don't think they had the information. I don't even know if they knew the stories of Adam and Eve. I mean, I'm sure they, they knew parts of it, but I don't even know if they knew all of that. All I know is in that verse that you just read in Hebrew and the verse, right before that it says what they knew is that the sacrifices reminded them. They had continual sins that needed to be forgiven. So the sacrifices were a reminder, it says in there and Hebrews 10 of their continual sin. So I think, uh, regardless if they knew that there was a Christ that was to come, that would be a sacrifice once. And for all, which is the body that you referred to. Speaker 3 00:04:39 Um, regardless if they knew all they knew, I think that was important, right? That is that death postpone their sin, this death, that they were, that they were engaging in, excuse me, this debt that they were engaging in postponed their, um, their death. So something was being covered. The word atonement obviously means covering. And so something was being covered. No one seemed to have access like Moses did. So I don't know if they ever put that together. Um, forgiveness was temporary. They had to do this over and over again, it wasn't permanent. So the things that we enjoy in Jesus Christ, the way that we have the Bible, we can look back on it. And we, I mean, we're in like the final couple of chapters here, right there in the very beginning. Totally. So what they knew and what they didn't know, I think is hard to say, all I know that they knew is if they want it to be right with God and have their sins atone for, they were, they were to do certain sacrifices at certain times of the year and be obedient. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:36 There's so many things that when we look back on in our life and in scripture, we think to ourselves, oh, how did I not see that coming? Yeah. Or if I could have done it differently, I would have done it differently because in retrospect, everything is just so clear. And I imagine if all of the Jews that were alive right now were to look back all the pieces are there. Oh yeah. Why didn't I look back at the garden? Why didn't I see that it only gave me limited access? Uh, of course there's gotta be like, go back to the garden of Eden again. And there's going to be somebody who crushes the head of the serpent and all of the damages that he has caused. And in retrospect, it's so clear, but in the moment in the process, the ability for any of us to put the pieces together, it's actually pretty Speaker 3 00:06:15 Challenging. Well, I think actually you've answered your own question because how many Jewish people today continue doing the Seder meal Passover all evening. It has believing it has. Yeah. And, and looking forward to something that is to come when that thing has already come in and person of Jesus Christ. So I think they just did it out of obedience thinking this is what God was requiring of them. I don't know if they have, but again, I can't speak for them, but I don't know if, if God enlightened them to know more than they actually did. All I know is that they were obedient. And it's interesting that that faith saved them. It was, it wasn't their sacrifices. It wasn't the blood of bulls and goats that saved them. It was the faith that they were to do what God intended for them to do in his storyline, knowing only what he wanted them to know at the time and their obedience to that save them. And it's the same breast today. Yeah. So in other words, two pastors Speaker 0 00:07:05 Sit behind a microphone and we don't really know the answer. We can surmise welcome to Bible teaching. And the indeed it is, it is its own challenge. Well, we've got more coming from Sherman, Q and a thank you for joining us. And it is our joy to kind of go deeper into these really fun subjects.

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