Sermon Q&A: Do Angels or Demons die in Spiritual War?

September 06, 2021 00:07:52
Sermon Q&A: Do Angels or Demons die in Spiritual War?
Village Church of Bartlett: Sermons
Sermon Q&A: Do Angels or Demons die in Spiritual War?

Sep 06 2021 | 00:07:52


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 <inaudible> Hey there, welcome to village Speaker 1 00:00:07 Church seven Q and am. Pastor Alex. And I'm here with pastor Craig and pastor Michael. And today we are answering questions from our sermon on September 5th, 2021. And this is the first sermon in our series on the spiritual war. So we're addressing some really interesting questions about the spiritual realm, how it functions. So our first question about this is, um, for pastor Michael, do angels or demons die and spiritual Speaker 2 00:00:36 War. I think it's a great question because you are probably prone to think it's very similar to the way we fight war. And so in a human war, there's bloodshed and people die and there's an afterlife and all that kind of stuff. And there's zero evidence that angels actually die in the sense that we think of death. Yeah. Um, I think we need to reconsider how the war is fought in the spiritual realm and it's fall under the parameters of authority and submission. And so there are so many illustrations of this. In fact, in the sermon we dealt with Daniel chapter 10 and a Daniel 10, there is a lesser demon, a messenger deem or angel, sorry, but it's caught up by a demon who has more power and authority. And we don't know where, how it worked, but this lesser angel got actually stuck under the authority of this higher demon for 21 days. And then God had to send the highest angel to release him. Now, was it like spiritual sword fighting and then spiritual blood came out and then he had to go to the spiritual ER, no legitimate questions, but actually I know they are legit, like is in our brains. They have swords in their, you know, picture. Speaker 3 00:01:38 We have pretty bad and there was some kind of a battle that took place that kept him from doing his job for 21 days. Speaker 2 00:01:44 And we just have no idea what it was, but no matter what the battle was like, nobody died and there's never been an angel at, can you, I mean, I'm just wanna make sure I'm right. Is there any evidence that you can think Speaker 3 00:01:54 Of after 21 days he got reinforcements and they showed up with a message and there's another passage in scripture that talks about angels dying. They're being cast into, into the lake of fire. Um, they do battle in different areas, but there's, there's no one passage that says, okay, there's this angel or this demon is no more. Even Jesus. When he was casting out demons, they said, well, throw us in the pigs. Cause it's not like he can, he doesn't kill them. He just gives them another place Speaker 2 00:02:19 To go. Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. So there's um, there are a couple of things that do happen in the spiritual realm. And one of them, is there a certain demons apparently way back in old Testament times that did things so evil that God sent them to hell early. So one of the things we've established is that how was not created for people's created for the devil and his angels, but Jesus said that himself. Yeah, that's not, we didn't make that up. That'd be pretty great though. That'd be a Speaker 3 00:02:45 Clever idea. So when gospels, Jesus says Satan, Satan, these angels are going to be cast into the lake of fire, which created for Satan and his angel devil. That's what it's Speaker 2 00:02:53 Created for some of them got sent there early. And I'll read you a couple of passages. I think these are just amazing. Um, second Peter, two four says if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment. And I mean, that's a pretty significant text. There are some angels who crossed the line and God was like, you're done. And so we've often wondered, like why isn't there more evil done on the demonic realm? There seems to be some kind of knowledge that if they cross a certain line, then God will just send them to hell once and for all and forever. So they're, they're kind of treading the line carefully. It appears another one of these is in Jude. One six Jude says the angels who did not stay within their position of authority, but left their proper dwelling. He, God has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day. Not crazy. So they knew they knew what they were allowed to do. Like we know Satan is on the earth and God has not sent him to hell yet, but there are rules apparently. And if you cross the line, God says we're done. Speaker 3 00:04:00 Even in job, the devil appears to God and asked him for permission to attack job. And so God gives them permission up to a certain level that doesn't work. So he comes back, asked for more permission to actually hit his house. And God says, okay, you can take all of it, but don't kill him. So God is constantly giving parameters, authority, parameter. Then if he's demons and if the devil doesn't follow it, assuming it's over, somehow for them, they're not dead, but they're they go to hell. Speaker 4 00:04:29 Then they go to hell. Yeah. Which I Speaker 2 00:04:30 Think brings us to more than nature of spiritual war that it's fought, um, with the weapons of authority. So I'll give you another example here. This is in Jude one nine, gosh, Jude is a trip of a book, but a Judah it's only one chapter. So Jude nine says this. When the arch angel Michael contending with the devil was disputing about the body of Moses. He did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, the Lord rebuke you. Now it says that there they're contending. And what they're contending about, this is a telling a story of back when Moses died. Uh, apparently the devil wanted to do something with Moses, his body and Michael, the Archangel was like, yeah, we're not, we're not doing whatever that is, but the word contending, um, actually means they were disputing or arguing like in a verbal fight. And it's like, no, I'm going to do this. No I'm going to do this. And a Speaker 4 00:05:20 Case for the main argument happening between the two of them. Right. Speaker 2 00:05:23 But here's the deal. A case can be made that they were both archangels that on the angelic level that they were equals and Michael's arsenal is only to appeal to the highest authority, which is the Lord. Jesus rebuke you. And so even then, they're like, well, I can't kill you. I can't destroy you. Uh, the prince of the hell. Yeah. You know, like, so what am I going to do? Well, I'm going to call him the highest authority, which is why, when we think about spiritual warfare and we're going to, we're going to tap into this in our series. It is about authority because the battle is fought with authority, weapons, and it's thought fought by people who have authority. And if you have the spirit of Christ greater, is he using you than he was Speaker 4 00:05:59 In world? You're more than <inaudible>, that's a statement Speaker 2 00:06:03 Of authority. And so, I mean, this is a nutso thought to me, but in most people's brains, we think to ourself flee Satan and resist sexual immorality and the Bible teaching is different. It is flee sexual immorality and resist Satan stand firm. And in the devil is required to flee from you. What? So somehow the scariest demon in the entire universe, the most powerful has to flee if I stand for him Speaker 3 00:06:30 And I have, and I have the power because greater is he, that is in me than he is in the world. So I have the power to resist whatever the devil puts in front of me or his minions. I have the power to resist that. And when I do in the name of Jesus Christ for his glory, Satan only has one Speaker 2 00:06:47 Choice, right. He came in and I think what he wants you to do is to forget your authority, your power position. And at the end of the day, I'm a son of God. I've got the spirit of Christ in me. So Speaker 3 00:06:56 I went out of here. I'm, can't tell you the amount of messages I've heard about Jesus' temptation in the wilderness and it's not until we got into this, um, this topic that we're dealing with right now that it's becoming even more clear to me that even Jesus we're resisting the temptation of the devil constantly went to scripture. He went to the power most powerful. Right, right, exactly. Yeah. He goes, he goes to Psalms, he goes to these different passages of scripture and he uses the truth of God's words against the ditches and the devil has to flee. And Speaker 1 00:07:31 Then, well guys, thank you so much for that. That is super helpful. And I think it helped to give people a lot of categories for how the spiritual realm function then. So Speaker 3 00:07:38 We should spend a lot of time in prayer and God's word. Speaker 1 00:07:40 Amen. Amen. That's good. Well, uh, stick around for more questions on sermon QA.

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