Sermon Q&A: Is It a Sin to Have an Unkept Yard?

May 17, 2021 00:09:59
Sermon Q&A: Is It a Sin to Have an Unkept Yard?
Village Church of Bartlett: Sermons
Sermon Q&A: Is It a Sin to Have an Unkept Yard?

May 17 2021 | 00:09:59


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Speaker 0 00:00:06 Welcome they'll church sermon, Q and a pastor Michael, here with you and I am with pastor Craig and pastor Alex. The question for today is based off of a sermon that these two guys gave on neighbor laws in the old Testament. And it was given on May 16th, 2021. Is that correct guys? Awesome. Feeling good about that? So, pastor Alex, we have a funny question for you. And the question is, is it a sin to have an uncapped yard? I have a question for you, isn't it? Is it a sin to have den Daniel? Do you call it dandy lions? Speaker 1 00:00:43 I don't know what you call it. Yeah, I'll, I'll pronounce Speaker 0 00:00:45 It. Right? Dandelions dandy lions. And it was, uh, dandelions overtake your yard. Tell us your story. Can we get a testimony? Speaker 2 00:00:54 Uh, so we were preparing for this sermon and, uh, pastor Michael goes, you know, those people, Speaker 3 00:01:00 My neighborhood though, people who have dandelions in Speaker 2 00:01:06 Their yard and uh, you know, they're just jeopardizing the entire neighborhood and I'm sitting here listening and going. Speaker 1 00:01:12 Yeah. And I noticed, yeah, he just dug that gray, Speaker 3 00:01:20 Take it off. Can I confess, so, Speaker 2 00:01:23 So I have, I do have a confession. I have my yard, well was previously overrun with dandelions overrun. Like, uh, let's say 25% of my yard, which is a lot by lot. Yeah. Right? Yeah. So, uh, you, it's visible, you drive down my street. Every lawn on my street is pristine. It's the same. You see, can you see my yard? And, uh, and so my neighbors, I, I said my neighbors know three things about me. Number one, I'm a pastor. Number two. I have a very cute daughter. And number three, I have dandelions. And if you know how Danny Lyons work, uh, you know that Danny lines are not just about how your yard looks and what people think about you. They are, they are a jeopardy to the entire, your neighbor Speaker 3 00:02:16 Planet. It's like shaking. People's hands with warts all over your hands, except your it's your needs. Right. So it's such a bad election, but you'll remember it. Speaker 2 00:02:34 So, so I was convicted. I needed to do something about this. Now. I haven't been doing something about this for the last year. I've got to do something about it. You are a good father. Yeah, that's right. Okay. So I, you know, I put chemicals down, uh, I try to take care of it, but they were so overrun that even that wasn't doing it. So I actually took my daughter out in my yard and we did the, we got one of those Pluckers and, you know, started waking him up and, uh, well it's yet to be seen. So I just did it last week. Speaker 3 00:03:25 <inaudible> is gone. Right. And I'm receding Speaker 2 00:03:30 And all of that, this stuff. So my neighbor from across the street comes out to me and he sees me doing this. And he's like, oh, you're like working on your yard. He's like, that's good. I'm like, I think it is good. Yeah. Because I'm tired of these Danny linesmen. He's like, yeah. You know, Speaker 3 00:03:43 When you get those, they just go everywhere. Speaker 2 00:03:49 So, okay. So here's the principle. Um, is it a sin for anybody to have dandelions in their yard? I'm not going to go that far, but here's what I do know. I want my neighbors, I don't want to create an unnecessary barrier for my neighbors. And quite obviously my neighbors, like having good looking lawns. Right. And that's like, that's a value in my neighborhood. And, uh, partly because I'm a pastor, people know I'm a pastor. People know I'm a Christian. Right. Like, and my goal is to have, uh, like to be able to not create unnecessary barriers with them. Right. So, uh, so yeah. I've like, I've got to do something about these standard lions. Speaker 0 00:04:29 We're a pretty man that was appreciated. I would agree. It's not sin. It's it is passively inconsiderate. Right. But let's, let's talk about like your life, for example, uh, getting out, getting time to get into the yard can be very, very challenging with little kids, a pregnant wife. So like, as I was saying that it was funny that you responded because it was like, oh man, like then I was looking at a house, like it was like right around the corner of our cul-de-sac and it's just overrun. But like what your story did is it gave me a lot of compassion because it was like, you know, they, like, I don't know what's going on in the home. Speaker 2 00:05:04 They're not able to take care of absolutely. Speaker 0 00:05:06 So it, actually, your conversation made me a lot less judgmental on that one so that I could help sanct. I appreciate that. I really feel like I'm a better human for that. That's good. Speaker 1 00:05:15 Um, he only has dandelions yellow, mice free. Speaker 3 00:05:19 Is there a, why somebody confirmed Dan dandelion? We should look if there a Y Speaker 0 00:05:24 I'm going to call him Daniel. Let Speaker 1 00:05:27 Me just say one thing about the dandy line situation. Speaker 3 00:05:31 Okay. Speaker 4 00:05:33 I'm from Canada. Is there a why? And it's just to make sure we're good. If we can. Speaker 3 00:05:41 What about how your firm, it's not helping Speaker 1 00:05:44 Your case. You're not allowed to use chemicals on your lung. So if you see a lawn that is pristine with no dandy lions dandelions, then you know, that person is breaking along because those chemicals are flowing off supposedly into the drain system. So if you see a lawn that is really looking good, you might have the alternate reaction in Canada. You might say, you know what, you're breaking the law and we all can see that. And you might be the, the person on the block. Speaker 3 00:06:16 Interesting, interesting something. Speaker 0 00:06:17 So I live, uh, I hope, Speaker 1 00:06:19 I'm sorry. I should say there are other ways there, uh, there are other ways that they handle the den and the dandelion situation. Yeah. They, uh, they're, they're not necessarily chemicals that are bad for the environment. That's stuff that United States might use, but yeah. But, uh, yeah. So, so they do try and handle it, but no, every yard has damage. Is there like the value for the lawn? Like there is here. Yeah. Oh yeah. They love gardening is very English. So they love the gardening. You look like a really populated, um, brush and yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:50 Cross-cultural experience from, I just don't know what's over there. Speaker 1 00:06:52 Yeah. You should. You should take a trip up there. Yeah, I'm good. Um, Speaker 0 00:06:56 So I, I, I might call the SAC. I have the greatest neighbors on the planet, especially from where I moved from. I had the worst neighbors on the planet. Um, so now we have the best neighbors in the planet. Um, so the house to the left of us, if you're facing the street, they're retired now the house to the right of me, they're retired, the next house is retired and the next woman is retired. Um, so all summer long, they're outside herring for their, yeah. And so I didn't quite so I'm, I'm pretty OCD about my lawn. So it's, but when we moved in, uh, we had, we had to renovate the whole house. So we had like two months of just like literally every single day was piles of trash for the trash guy to come up. So one day I, and this is kind of my introduction to realizing there really deep care for our lawns. Speaker 0 00:07:39 I left a, uh, a garbage can out two days past the date of when you're supposed to bring, they called the police on me. Oh. Uh, um, to be clear, I'm the only one of them that might watch this as Tom and it wasn't Tom. So Tom is the best neighbor in the history of the universe. Um, that's, that's a true statement. Um, so they called the police and then the police show up and it was actually one of these moments that was just so hilarious to me. And so the police show up and this guy gets out of his car and the guy who called the police is watching the whole thing. And he's thinking, God, I'm, you know, so I walk up to the cop, the cop walks up to me and we give each other like a 32nd bear hug because it was a guy I hadn't seen in years. Speaker 0 00:08:21 And he's a good friend. And, uh, and then I'm like, dude, come on, check out our new house. I go, we're doing it. It was just a great, and anyway, so then I, he laughed and names, John. And so I went over to my neighbor and I just said, you don't need to call the cops. I'm really sorry. Like anything I can do to make this a better experience, we're just overwhelmed. And that guy, and I've had a great relationship ever since. And I wasn't mean, I wasn't like bro would call the cops on me. I mean, I get it like, like I'm the new guy, they had a rhythm, I blew their rhythm up and I'm just try to be sensitive to that. And so being a good neighbor, it's bigger than lawns. It's the trash you put out. Like right now, I'm cognizant that I have a metal bench sitting on our cul-de-sac and I'm hoping that the metal guys come and pick Speaker 1 00:09:00 It up. Yeah. And it should be said, like in the scriptures that we were using yes. Yesterday, it's, uh, how to be a good neighbor. There's a, there's just so many verses on this is what a good neighbor would do. A good neighbor would take care of their property. That's Speaker 2 00:09:13 A part. Yeah. But then how does your property interact with your neighbors? Speaker 0 00:09:17 Like mice, if you release mice in the yard and it goes over Speaker 1 00:09:21 Then pet, you know, in your yard or don't leave ice on the sidewalk, we might translate that way. Or we have to be careful of the things that God has given to us to steward because it is a reflection of Christ in us as well. Yeah. And consider Speaker 0 00:09:35 It then Senator, I think that was the word. And I was twitching. It was like to be considered well guys, thank you. That was actually Alex. I'm really proud of you in your conviction. I have been convicted. I feel like we are better Speaker 3 00:09:46 For that still in on Craig. We'll get that, but a pretty good idea. Speaker 0 00:09:51 I want to thank you for joining us. We have more questions. I've built your sermon Q and a to come.

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