Sermon Q&A: Why Doesn't God Allow Us to See Him Face to Face Now?

July 27, 2021 00:06:01
Sermon Q&A: Why Doesn't God Allow Us to See Him Face to Face Now?
Village Church of Bartlett: Sermons
Sermon Q&A: Why Doesn't God Allow Us to See Him Face to Face Now?

Jul 27 2021 | 00:06:01


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Speaker 1 00:00:07 Well, Hey there, and welcome to another episode of sermon Q and a Vicky basing her here. And I am with pastor Michael and pastor Alex. And we're talking through some questions from Sunday, July 25th, 2021. We're going through the sermon series on the golden calf. And today we're going to continue kind of a series of questions we've been talking about with meeting God face to face, seeing God face to face. We've talked about, um, you know, could we ever interact with him in that way after the new Testament, but now we're going to talk about why. So why doesn't God allow us to see him face to face. Now Speaker 2 00:00:43 I'm gonna punch it, Alex. Uh, let me, let me just say one thing, one Speaker 3 00:00:48 Simple thing. That's it. One thing I, based on what I think you're going to say yes, if you're right then right now, I don't want to see God face to face. Yes, yet. Correct. I'm happy to see as an Amir demo, right? Speaker 4 00:01:06 Yeah. So, uh, Exodus 33, 20, uh, Moses and God are having this exchange and God basically says, you cannot see my face. Moses says, show me your glory. And God's like, yeah, I can't do that. Like, uh, I'm going to hide you in the cleft of the rock. I'll pass by. You can see the lake little trail behind me, but you cannot see my face and live, right? The implication is, if you are in my presence, when you see my face, you will die. Why? Because of sin like sin, God is pure. And that we can't even like begin to comprehend. The purity of God. What's really interesting is before the fall, uh, Adam and Eve are in the garden and they are walking with God in the garden, right? They're able to relate to God face to face, but then send enters in and God cast them out from his presence. Speaker 4 00:01:58 They're not, they're no longer able to do this. And so a first Timothy, six, 15 and 16, this is what says it says, which he will display at the proper time. He who is the blessed and only sovereign the king of Kings and Lord of Lords, who alone has immortality who dwells in unapproachable, light whom no one has ever seen or can see to him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen. So the, the idea is there's something so overwhelming even like, uh, the, the illustrations that are used or the words that are used to relate this to us are, uh, light, uh, purity, holiness, and God has so much of that. And so utterly different than we are than we are that if we actually did see him face to face, we could not live. So like you said, uh, eh, you know, the new Testament says we see as an, in a mirror dimly, right? Like we can only see foggy and, and it's good that we can only see fog because if, uh, if it were different than that, then uh, then we could Speaker 3 00:03:01 Not live and see. Yeah. Can I pose the question to you? Okay. Um, we didn't prep this, so I love Speaker 2 00:03:07 This. This is like, when I first met you and you're dating Andrea, and I was like, hi, I'm, uh, I have like 500 questions, so, Speaker 3 00:03:16 Okay. So in the old Testament, they don't have the holy spirit, the crisis that Christ Jesus has not been killed and raised from the dead. So now we have the holy spirit, right? So even think about, think about this for a moment, uh, before Jesus, if you went into the holy of Holies where the presence of God was, you would die, correct. Post Jesus. Hebrews says that the throne of grace, this holy of Holies, the turn has curtain has been torn. We can approach it with Colts boldly. Everybody's happy. Um, why now? Because we have the holy spirit, we are forgiven. We have access to God's presence in a way that we didn't. So why can't I see him face to face now in light of my forgiveness and in light of the Speaker 4 00:03:56 Holy spirit, it seems like as you look through the Bibles, there are degrees in which we are able to get close to God, or even to understand who God is. And so the old covenant was like one degree. And then Jesus came in the new covenant kind of progressive progressive revelation. Well, apparently there are still, uh, aspects of who God is that we cannot see. Like we're, we're still being sanctified. Right. Which means there's still sin in our mortal box. So sin is like, really, Speaker 2 00:04:26 It's still here. Speaker 4 00:04:27 And, um, uh, only when Jesus returns and the trumpet blows and we get new bodies and new, like, we are remade into new creation. We'll send, be eliminated, you know, from us. And we will be able to then stand in God's presence and see whatever it is like, well, what does that look like? Well, we'll probably answer that in another question, but, uh, but yeah, we'll be able to relate to God is in some way, face to face in a way that we can't conceive. Speaker 3 00:04:55 Yeah. And that would be, I'm just processing as you're processing, because we haven't worked through everything on these things. And some of those, even as we're talking, we're like, how does my biblical worldview form this? But it seems that that sin is the issue. I totally agree. And then what the new body does and the resurrection is that eradicates sin, Jesus will say, got rid of it from our soul, our spirit, if you will. And then what happens with the resurrection is it's, our bodies are sinless, they're immortal, they're perishable the renewed, et cetera. So Speaker 4 00:05:23 I think that is an unholy in us gets burned away. And what is good and right. I think Speaker 3 00:05:28 We will be able to see God face to face at that point. I think so. I think so, too. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:35 Well, thanks for processing through that. I love that you landed on the same page and that you were right. I was, I was not, I was not, I wasn't nervous. You're right. Very frequently, Alex. So thanks again for tuning in for another episode of sermon Q and a go to village church, to watch this one and more. We'll see you next time.

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